YOKOBAI image The green rice leafhopper (NC, Nephotettix cincticeps), called "TSUMAGURO-YOKOBAI" in Japanese, is a vascular feeder of rice plant. It transmits virus and mycoplasma diseases. Body color is fairy green and tip of the male forewing is black.

ESTs are derived from various cDNA libraries that were constructed from different tissues and developmental stages. The EST data are accessible by key words, clone names and Gene Ontology terms.

[YOKOBAI (NC: green rice leafhopper) EST BLAST page]

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Clone Name Keyword
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Biological ProcessMolecular FunctionCellular Component
Homology Value NCBI-NRDrosophilaC.elegans
Homology Keyword NCBI-NRDrosophilaC.elegans
Target Sequences Representative original (No Gene Ontology)
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Display items Gene Ontology NCBI-NR homology
Drosophila homology C.elegans homology
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